Kimball Electronics - Jasper Earns Environmental Honor

Feb 14, 2018, 00:00 by Nicole Krempp
JASPER — The Indiana Department of Environmental Management presented Kimball Electronics’ manufacturing facility in Jasper with a certificate that states, “For pursuit of continuous environmental improvement which exemplifies the qualities of a Hoosier leader and steward of our environment.”

Feb 14, 2018

JASPER — The Indiana Department of Environmental Management presented Kimball Electronics’ manufacturing facility in Jasper with a certificate that states, “For pursuit of continuous environmental improvement which exemplifies the qualities of a Hoosier leader and steward of our environment.”The Kimball plant recently completed a four-year term in the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) Environmental Stewardship Program (ESP). Its membership has been extended another four years following a successful environmental audit recently conducted by the state.

The Commissioner of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, sent a congratulatory letter.


He wrote, “Kimball Electronics is distinguished as one of a select group of facilities across Indiana to go above and beyond environmental requirements, thereby improving our state’s environmental and business climate.”


The Kimball Electronics - Jasper facility has been a member of this group since 2010.

Being a member in the ESP enables us to meet one of our Guiding Principles that states, “The environment is our home. We will be leaders in not only protecting but enhancing our world.”


Story from local source: The Dubois County Herald


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